The stage was set. All lights were dimmed. Holding their breaths, were the ecstatic students and staff, jam packing the auditorium. All eyes were fixed on the stage. And then, I entered, the spotlight was on me. I was completely on tenterhooks. My blood was running cold as it was the first time I was breaking out of my shell and shedding a part of my so called "studious" image. Above all, I was the protagonist of the play. Pulling myself together, I delivered my monologue and the crowd went crazy, absolutely smitten by my acting. I also ended up receiving "Best Actress" award. At that moment , I was introduced to a new side of mine. I always thought that acting was a hard nut to crack for me but I DISCOVERED MYSELF that day.

Same goes with my writing interest. Books are something that intrigue me a lot. But,writing was surely not my cup of tea, I used to think earlier. One day, I just happen to write something which was admired by all and so, I created this blog and now I am writing some nice stuff. So, again I DISCOVERED a new talent in me.

I shared these experiences so that you all can also dive deep into yourself and discover those undiscovered talents hidden within you. I have seen so many people living monotonous life, doing run off the mill tasks day in and day out. In the teeth of earning well, they know that they are in an invidious position. They know that they are not giving their best to life. The reason is simple.
They don't know themselves. Had they known their talents, they could have reached heights.

So, keep discovering yourself and for that no one will going to come and inform you what you are good at. You have to be intrepid to take risks. I agree it takes a lot of nerve to go off beat, but there is no fun in living cushy life.Each day go out of your safety zone and try something new because one doesn't know what might pull you towards it and becomes your talent.And today is the day. Start NOW..!!


  1. Very true prachu. If we can come out of our unknown fears, we can succeed in discovering self hidden talents.

  2. You’ve an interesting blog, I'm a life coach blogger. Reading blogs is my hobby, randomly found your blog. I enjoyed reading your posts. And congrats, it is my privilege to pre approve your blog for, “Life Coach Blogger Award”. Beyond the award, one or more of your blog posts will be linked up in my blog. you can see other bloggers who’ve won this award by visiting my blog. If you’re fascinated to display this award in your blog, kindly let me know, It’s absolutely free. Simply reply to this message saying, “Yes, send the award, I’ll display it in my Blog” I’ll send the award to you. No personal information or email Id required. keep up the good work and looking forward to build long term blogging relationship with you. Let us keep in touch google plus +sridhar chandrasekaran, twitter, @lifecoachbloger . Sridhar Chandrasekaran, Life Coach Blogger

    1. Hey Sridhar!
      Thanks a ton for praising my blog as well as approving it for the award. I will definitely want to display it on my blog :)

  3. Very nicely presented, it reminded me of the famous quote by Albert Einstein...."Those who have never failed in life have never tried anything new".

    1. Hello! Nice to see you again!
      Thanks a lot. I feel over the moon as my post reminded you of Albert Einstein :)

  4. True, self-discovery is a continuous process.

    1. Well said Mr. Matheikal. Thanks for stopping by.
      Keep coming!


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