Simple yet effective ways to uplift your mood 

It is advised not to let one unpleasant moment to ruin your entire day. "Let it go" is what we hear or we read in self-improvement books. But sometimes, it is not a cakewalk to forget everything and just move on. We can know the pain only after stepping into the shoes of the person. But, to be blue all the time is neither a solution. We need to work out some ways to release out the stress and turn our bad day to a better or maybe a best one. 

Here are some very simple ways which I am sure will cheer you up in minutes.

(1) Laugh it out

This might seem silly but, trust me it really works. Just sitting in a corner and weeping about the problem obviously won't help. So, whenever you are feeling sulky, just wipe your tears and start laughing.  I know you will not feel like laughing when your are despondent, but still do it! It will surely change your mood and will make you feel light. Scientifically also, it has been proved that laughter decreases stress hormones. So, laugh your heart out.

(2) Talk about it
Instead of thinking too much about your bad moment and having a frustrated mind, it is better you grab hold of someone you love and blurt out everything. Get it off your chest and I bet you will feel better. Share what is bothering you than keeping the problem in your own mind and expecting others to help you. 

(3) Meditate

This is the most useful way to calm you and perk you up. Go to a noiseless place and shut your eyes. But, it definitely won't help if you will end up thinking about your bad day. While you are sitting alone with your eyes closed, you have to think positive. Remember god and think about your happy time. You just need around twenty minutes for this exercise. The feeling after doing this would be serene. You will find a different 'YOU'.

(4) Step out

Confining yourself to the four walls of your house and be isolated is very dangerous when you are shattered as you keep thinking negative and it releases more stress hormones. Your mind desperately needs a distraction. For that, nothing is better than stepping out of your house. Call your friends and have a chat over a cup of coffee. Go out for a walk or just go to watch movies. Do anything which will divert your mind. 

We all have ups and downs and it is natural to feel low when some things don't work out as we want them to. But. it is frivolous to cleave to such things all the time. It depends on us how we handle the vicissitudes of life. I hope the above steps would help you not to spoil your day and to start off fresh, leaving behind the unpleasant memories.


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RISKS- By Janet Rand