We all were singing "Happy birthday to you..!!" in chorus as we busted into my sister's room early morning. We cut the cake and gave her gifts. She loved the surprise and was over the moon. It was her special day and it took off very well. Her phone kept on beeping as everyone sent her good wishes. Later, she called her friends to celebrate but the plan did not work out as most of them refused. She did not sulk as she thought her friends are planning a surprise. She was expecting a high end party and exquisite gifts. Well, the entire day passed and nothing happened. It indeed was a surprise for her. She expected too much and as a result ended her day with a heart full of regrets.

Expectations always find a way to reside in our brain. They are our best friends. Oh wait! I should say foes, because every time they pop up in our head, they take away our peace of mind and sometimes we even spoil our relationships because of expectations. After having a fallout, we expect the other one to apologise. On birthdays, we expect a great surprise party and overwhelming gifts but never ask. When we do something remarkable, we expect almost the entire world to congratulate us. When we feel blue, we expect our family members, friends, relatives to ask us the reason and to show care and if any of the above does not happen, thoughts like 'I am unimportant' creeps in your mind.

Life is simple but we insist on making it complicated. We expect from people and when they don't live up to our expectations, it makes us see red. Then, we blame others for not fulfilling our wants. But, its you who is at fault. How can people give something you haven't even asked for. They don't know what is going on in your head, do they? So, if you want something, just ask for it. Say it. Keep it simple. Why to wait for others to serve you?

One of the ways to live a peaceful life is to keep low expectations from people. When you do this, you will realize that even a small, unexpected gestures from people will melt your heart down because you were not even expecting that. It will be a real surprise for you and surprises are surely better than disappointments. 😊


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RISKS- By Janet Rand