To laugh is to risk appearing the fool. To weep is to risk appearing sentimental. To reach out for another is to risk involvement. To expose feelings is to risk exposing your true self. To place your ideas, your dreams, before a crowd is to risk their loss. To love is to risk not being loved in return. To live is to risk dying. To hope is to risk despair. To try is to risk failure. But risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has ...
The stage was set. All lights were dimmed. Holding their breaths, were the ecstatic students and staff, jam packing the auditorium. All eyes were fixed on the stage. And then, I entered, the spotlight was on me. I was completely on tenterhooks. My blood was running cold as it was the first time I was breaking out of my shell and shedding a part of my so called "studious" image. Above all, I was the protagonist of the play. Pulling myself together, I delivered my monologue and the crowd went crazy, absolutely smitten by my acting. I also ended up receiving "Best Actress" award. At that moment , I was introduced to a new side of mine. I always thought that acting was a hard nut to crack for me but I DISCOVERED MYSELF that day. Same goes with my writing interest. Books are something that intrigue me a lot. But,writing was surely not my cup of tea, I used to think earlier. One day, I just happen to write something which was admired by all and so, I created this blog...
I was in a clinic and was waiting for my turn to consult the doctor. Since it was taking too long, I just got into a conversation with the receptionist. She told me one incident that surprised me and I was miffed too. The receptionist had a friend who was slightly healthy. She did not look that awkward, but her close friends teased her and advised her to shed some weight off. Now, that girl took it so seriously that she went on dieting for weeks and ultimately was admitted to a hospital where she died! Just imagine the extent to which people go just to get a letter of approval with the signatures of this society! We all have a bad habit that we want to be loved by all. We don't want our haters to exist and this is the main reason why we don't accept our imperfections. In this struggle of becoming a perfect person, we end up becoming a messy person. If you want the world to love you, there is no need to pretend and be fake. It just requires a simple action: you need to l...
HELLO WORLD! I am starting off with my first post on my blog "serenelyf". As the name itself suggest,i hope my vignettes will help you all to live a serene life which in today's competitive world is hard to live. Everyone is running in a rat race without knowing the reason. Completely oblivious of the fact that they are uprooting their morals and values,they continue to chase "money" which has become a synonym of "success" for them.This reality irks me a lot.But when i dug deep into this problem,i realized that its roots goes down to each of us.First we need to change our mindset, our perspective. We need to start off small by doing things in a slightly different way from what we have been dong till now. The world will try to pull you back, but you as an individual should have audacity and tenacity to rise up again. You will face criticism but as it is rightly said "great people build monuments with the stones their critics throw at ...
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