Waking up early, rushing to the workplace, working assiduously the entire day, coming back home fully exhausted and finally ending yet another day without having a word with family, without laughing your heart out at least once and without LIVING life. Just work,work and work. This is how majority of people spend their life or rather I would say waste their life. In a blink of an eye, your busy days slips into years and there you are on your deathbed, regretting for not having whale of a time and for not celebrating life.

We are living in a society where success is measured in terms of money. If you have a heavy bank account, congratulations, you are successful. How asinine! Since, nobody wants to lag behind in this race, they are running after money and chasing their VAGUE dreams."To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist." is very well said by Oscar Wilde. All eyes are so fixed on money that they refuse to look around the exquisite world. It has become so difficult to even laugh and have a moment with your loved ones. But, life doesn't mean to live so seriously and so busy.

Its absolutely fine to have goals and dreams, but, enjoy the journey of achieving those goals. Look around you and you will find beauty everywhere. Spend time with your family, walk barefoot in garden, read deep books or do whatever that soothes your soul. Take pleasure in small things, you will make a big difference in life. Make memories because you earn money today, you will spend it tomorrow, but, if you make memories, they will be with you forever. Don't make plans to live your dream life in future because life is uncertain. This day can be your last day. Life can take an arduous path anytime. So, don't wait. Slow down and apply brakes to your busy life. Add some spice to your daily schedules and wait for that big change!


  1. Really everyone is just wasting their life by not enjoying it...!!

    1. Yes! Thats what we don't have to do. Thank You for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Such thoughts now-a-days have actually no value...the truth is lesser number of people will agree with you.
    though i feel the same about life and journey as you have written here.

  3. Well! I know it is difficult to slow down for a while and enjoy life but this is the only way you can increase your productivity. Moreover, my work is to make people aware of what is right and what is not. To accept my advice or not to accept is totally up to you :)
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Keep Coming :)


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