We all have a purpose to live. We all have goals but the difference lies in how we approach them. There are some who spend their entire life just gazing at dreams, giving excuses and looking for scapegoats, afraid to take even small steps. There are some who are extremely passionate about their purpose of life. They dream big, but start small, practice daily and don't know how to give up and finally end up becoming victorious.

To reach the top of a building, we need to climb the stairs.We need to take the steps one by one, to take us closer to where we want to reach.Same goes with the life. We have set many ambitious goals in life but, there is a huge gap between us and our goals.To come closer and to finally embrace success, we need to take small efforts daily.As very well said by Robin Sharma- "Daily ripples of superior performance add up overtime to a tidal wave of outrageous success." We are completely oblivious that these efforts are actually pushing us towards our dream and that's why some people give up and come back to their old routine in which they are just bumming around waiting for things to happen in their life. Whenever we come across something motivating, we promise ourselves to change, but that vibe lasts for hardly two or three days and after that we are back to the pavilion. The fact is we are moving out of our comfort zone and are encountering change.Moreover, the results are also not visible to us, making us even more reluctant to do anything. Consistency requires patience. Be patient ,do your part and most importantly believe that whatever you are doing today is definitely making a difference. Don't see these daily acts as useless.

Set a routine and promise yourself to follow it daily. Do those good habits not only when you are feeling motivated, but in your normal routine also. Do not break the chain.Success surely won't come to you without being tenacious about your goals and dreams.Just setting those goals won't even help.The choice is yours.You can spend your entire life,not reducing that gap between you and your goals or you can include some goal oriented tasks in your daily schedules,be consistent and emerge triumphant..!!


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RISKS- By Janet Rand